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Tip: It is a good idea to keep a Reflection Journal for jotting down your reflections and see how you progress over time!
Have a copy of the Nicene Creed in front of you for this month’s reflection on “C”, The Creed. Like the cross, the Nicene Creed is a symbol of our Christian faith. It is a summary of the central claims of the oral faith held by Christ’s apostles 2000 plus years ago, handed down by tradition, defended by early Church fathers, paid for by martyrs’ blood, and preserved in writing to protect its orthodoxy throughout the ages.
Reflection/Sharing Questions
For the first few years after Confirmation, you might feel like an unanchored ship. The Creed is one of the ways you can anchor your faith in Jesus and his Church. If you fill your boat the Creed and with Jesus on board, no storm can sink your faith.
1. Silently and contemplatively, read the Creed, the oath made between yourself and God and to the Church (“the people of God”).
2. Notice the 4 sections of the Creed; the first section about who the Father is, the second about who Jesus is, the third about the Holy Spirit is, and finally about other general beliefs. Take your time to contemplate on just one section at a time, even if just one section per day.
3. Notice your sensations and thoughts as you contemplate the meaning of those words. Express these in whichever way moves you, writing, drawing, singing, body movement or dance.
4. You read about St Nicolas and St Perpetua living out their faith under the conditions of their time. Besides confessing the correct belief on Sundays at Mass, can you think of ways you can courageously live out your faith on a daily basis by: a) becoming more like Jesus internally and b) standing up for the truth of the Christian faith by word, and living out the faith in deed in society.
Young/Working Adults
Married Couples
Single / Separated / Divorced / Widowed